There is a deep knowing within me, that whenever reminded of it, my heart bursts wide open. In a previous reality, this visceral reaction confused me. Now, I know it to be my truth, of why I came here. I came to this time space reality to support all beings, as if they were my own children.
In a previous reality, I experienced institutional abuse in the boarding school I grew up in. This experience awakened me to the injustices, suppression and oppression that has gone on for far too long on this planet. The time for our liberation as a planet is now.
When I first read about The Lotus Project every cell in my being lit up, activating a reality of infinite creation. The creation of this project has allowed me to see beyond and to explore the field of infinite possibilities. It is through this exploration that I have activated the infinite potential that lies within me, moving me into my own creative freedom.
I have felt my own essence, my own joy and I have heard my own true voice, at last. I’ve learned of the tremendous amount of strength and courage that lives within me. And most of all, I have learned of the tremendous amount of love and hope that lives within my heart, for all of humanity, and for our planet. As we move into our own liberation, we know a truly sovereign world begins with the sovereignty of our children.
Just as The Lotus Project has navigated me back into my heart, revealing my truest essence, I know it will navigate our children back to the safety of their own hearts and truth.
To see our children in their fullest expression, confidently and exuberantly sharing their hearts and joy with the world is what brings me the greatest joy.
It is my Why.