Mojie Liaiem N.

In my current creation, one of many, while on the earth plane, is to share of our new era through The Lotus Project Foundation. I will serve as the steward and communicator on behalf of the children during Phases I & II, and then relinquish that role once Phase III has been established and brought online. I have known about this project from a very young age and have continued to connect to the children through my Source Field. In the past two years I have been communicating and establishing a deeper connection with the children. Some of the children have been very specific about their needs and their requirements for space and tools they require so they can bring forth what they are here to share with the world. I am extremely excited to bring the children together, whether they are in the Phase I or Phase II group. I am currently in process of creating a global networking platform for the these amazing children to unite with one another.

My Journey

I am Mojie. I am a multidimensional, multifaceted, photonic being of light, from the outer reaches of the universe, here to assist humanity into the future and this is my story;

At a young age I had the innate ability to communicate with off-world beings in the unseen world and had advance knowledge with the innate knowing of events. I had the ability to communicate with spirit prior and/or post transitioning out of their physical vessel. Soon, I discovered the ability to exit my body and astral travel to assist spirits that are either in comma or in process of passing. Soon, I was able to assist individuals with soul retrievals, and visit war zones and trauma based land to help earth bound spirits to exit the earth realm.

I had the ability to see the energetic programmings within ALL things. To understand this world and its programming , I had choose to go through a forgetting process where I immersed herself within the game called, life. While fully immersed in my corporate position, I was visited by two different individuals asking me to re-exam my position in life and to actively begin to remember who I truly am and to discover my position in this world. I took the messages very lightly, but soon after, my entire life changed.

I left behind my role as a finance manager and began my journey to self discovery and to learn the true nature of this time space reality. During my quest, I had an explosive remembering of our true nature of our existence before incarnating on earth. This visceral remembrance  brought about tangible contacts with my family of light beings. I recalled memories of unique abilities and experiences I had dismissed and had suppressed. In the course of my journey I re-established a stronger connection with my light family catapulting me to connect with my Source Self activating my intuitive and my healing abilities. I began having conscious telepathic communication with other multidimensional beings who also participated in assisting me to remember very specifics  and knowing my true purpose for incarnating on earth.

My personal connection with my collective was instrumental in assisting with my ability to read various frequencies and interpret transmissions and accessing the zero point of my Source frequency and travel.

I continue to accelerate my process by aligning myself with my divinity and integrating my soul’s mastery with the human vessel in this reality called earth. I knows these are innate abilities in everyone, and I empower and facilitate this connection as a transformational life coach, hypnotherapist, mentor, and as a speaker.

I became a certified transformational life coach to help accelerate the process of bridging the gap with the spirit world and humanity. I am passionate about empowering people and communities to gain their sovereignty, to remember and connect to their individual universal Source creator being, and to connect to the ALL.  I feel evolution is a matter of personal effort and prioritization.

I am the founder of THE GAME, through Know Thy Source, a forum expanding individual & collective consciousness, which supports and navigates people to remember the masters that they truly are.

I am also the founder of the FULL CIRCLE, through Know Thy Source, where I facilitated a growing conscious team to bring forth knowledge about humanity, earth, universal grid and technology, bridging the gap between the multidimensional worlds with our world. Words do not capture the pure, profound, limitless joy and unconditional love I feel with the experience of our unity.

I enjoys boogie boarding, dancing, listening to music, hiking, sun gazing, and nature walks with my Pomeranian, Lilou. I have been the featured guest on numerous radio shows, as well as the featured speaker at conferences.

Thank you for taking the time to read my journey. If you desire to connect send me an email.